2007년 5월 5일 토요일


Wow! Today I got many, many presents from people. I was so surprised this morning!I woke up at 6:30!!!! I was like" cool it shouldn't be that early, because i slept really late! COOL" I missed Ms.Morton's hug and Ms.Morton's smiles. I read OUR DAILY BREAD .Oh, and I thought that everyone was reading... I felt like that I am with them.. I want to pray quick for all the things I prayed in school.

Dear God,
Thank you for this day and I thank you that Noah is with you and you are taking care of him. I pray for nonbelivers all around the world that they will worship you and share the gospels. I pray for your love to shine tomorrow and please talk to me through the Bilble.

In Jesus name I pray, AMEN....

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KimKay :

I missed your hugs and smile too!!

Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever. Psalm 106:1

Love ya,
Miss Morton